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Product and Customer Data Management

Digital transformation is forcing a stark choice: adopt and adapt or become irrelevant. Traditional retailers have been slow to appreciate this, and as such have created a competitive disadvantage for themselves versus their natively digital competitors. Product and Customer Data Management is one of the core elements in any Retail Digital Transformation that also includes, […]

Customer Interaction Technology

Historically the default customer interaction for consumers has been stores sales associates. Recognizing this, successful store native retailers invested in providing excellent customer experiences by providing sufficient levels of staffing and giving sales associate the right tools and providing ongoing training in the art of service. Sadly, when faced with economic pressures, most retailers took […]

Customer Engagement

Consumers have developed a well-earned sense of skepticism. This comes from experiences that have validated their suspicions that they are seen only to be one dimensional anonymous units of transaction.  Wholesalers, Brands and Retailers have failed to recognize the complexity of engaging consumers in a meaningful, contextualized dialog to persuade them to consider becoming a […]

Growing and Protecting Marketshare

Growing and Protecting Marketshare is dependent on two fundamentals: Corporate Integrity and Satisfying the Customer Tweet   Success is determined within the context of competition. There is no sustained growth without fierce protection of market share. Growing and protecting marketshare has traditionally been a rear-view mirror exercise in revenue measurement rather than an exercise of […]

Brand Building and Brand Preservation

Brand building is the process of establishing an identity for a product, a company or both. Brand identity is infused with qualities of intrinsic value. The most successful companies have imbued their products with characteristics like style, quality, consistency, safety, history, and lifestyle aspiration to name a few.  People buy from brands they know and […]

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