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Win more deals, optimize resource utilization and improve margins by working smarter, not harder

We help professional services organizations like IT and Software consultants, grow new business win rates, optimize resource utilization rates, achieve revenue and margin gains, and shorten the funnel-to-cash cycle with professional services automation. 

It's Never Been Easier to


Unlimited free usage for 2 months

Full CRM Capabilities

Unit4 Support for 2 Months

*12 Month Term applies

Quick Business pack

Software Solution set-up with Core Functionality

30% off Services for the initial segment of the Implementation

Unit4 Support

Ideal for firms with 21-50 users

enterprise Business pack

Software Solution set-up with Core Functionality

Unit4 Support

Ideal for firms with 51-200 users

What if your Accounting
or IT Software consulting firm could?


When you make it easier for consultants to track their time, when invoices are created automatically, you bill more accurately, and you shorten the funnel-to-cash in your pocket process.


When you can replicate results, you have happier clients, you win more projects, you onboard new hires more easily and likely sleep a bit better at night.

OPTIMize resource utilization

Now you can know exactly who is working in which project and for how long, so you can prepare for the next project.

Our Services


Our implementation services are transforming how professional services firms work so you can grow without the growing pains. These are the types of firms we can help. (HYPERLINK TO PROSERVE PAGE)

Speed Implementations

Our expedited implementation approach uses Unit4’s Model approach as well as our own ITK template approach, which is made possible by our extensive industry and business process expertise. 

Extended Support

We support our customers throughout the implementation but it doesn’t stop there. We have flexible programs to suit your specific needs. 

Why ITK for your next Unit4 PSA Implementation?

Not Just just Implementors,
We're Users

We aren’t just software implementation partners for Unit4 PSA Suite, we actually use the software ourselves.

We're PSA & CRM Experts

You would expect that we would be Unit4 PSA experts. But since PSA “sits” on Microsoft CRM, it’s more than a little useful to you that we’re also Microsoft CRM experts.

Work Closely with Unit4 & Microsoft

PSA Suite works in tandem with Microsoft D365 CRM, which is why it’s not coincidence that ITK is both a Microsoft and Unit4 Partner, and are Microsoft CRM experts.

Most executives only need to look at the 4% increase in billable utilization as the reason to select PSA
(Service Automation Insight, February 2016)

Unit4 PSA Resource Management

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